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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

Red Hot Erotic : 69 x berauschender Sex (9783798603332)

Rot steht für Liebe, Sünde, die Glut der Leidenschaft. Das alles und noch vieles mehr hält diese lustvolle Sammlung freizügig erotischer Kurzgeschichten für Sie bereit. In 69 scharfen Erzählungen wird Begehren geschürt und Verlangen, das gestillt werden will. Product details For ages 18+ Format Paperback | 752 pages Dimensions 115 x 1...

Die OEkonomie der Ethik (9783640227495)

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensethik, Wirtschaftsethik, Note: 1,3, Hamburg School of Business Administration, Veranstaltung: Seminar Unternehmenskultur, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Unternehmenskultur und Wirtschaftsethik gehören vor dem Hintergrund von Globalisierung, Ressourcenknappheit und Wirtschaftsskandalen wie, Brent Spar oder Enron zu den neuen Schlagwörtern der Wirtschaftslehre. Die Forderungen von Politik und Gesellschaft nach sozialer Verantwortung durch Unternehmen werden immer lauter. Dennoch, so scheint es, keimt der Samen Ethik in der Wirtschafts-landschaft nur vereinzelt und zaghaft. Diese Arbeit soll untersuchen, ob das Oxy-moron Wirtschaftsethik wirklich existiert, ob Unternehmen eine Unternehmensethik brauchen und ob Ethik ökonomisch relevant ist. Anstoß zur Diskussion ist der Artikel Friedmann, der immer noch Diskusionsgrundlage vieler Wirtschaftsethikgegner ist. Die Argumentation wird aus ökonomischer und nicht ideologischer Sicht g...

A Message in Blood : A Chiara Corelli Mystery (9798200765867)

A middle-of-the night phone call summons NYPD Detective Chiara Corelli and her partner, Detective P. J. Parker, to a politically sensitive murder scene. The victims--a US Senator, the pastor of a mega church, and a self-made music industry billionaire--appear to have been killed during a sex orgy. Pressure is mounting to cover up the circumstances. But Corelli and Parker are enraged by the words scrawled in blood on a mirror, and their hearts are broken by what they find hidden in a closet. Now the partners vow to find the killer and expose the unsavory lives of these men while seeking justice for the real victims in this case--the children . . . Product details Format CD-Audio ...

Orientalism : Visions of the East in Western Dress (0300201133)

Orientalism, the historical term used to describe the West's fascination with and assimilation of the ideas and styles of the East, is richly represented in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, specifically in the areas of European and American paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. The Costume Institute's collection of dress is unrivaled in its holdings of Western Orientalist costumes, and this exotic cache has inspired Richard Martin, Curator, and Harold Koda, Associate Curator, to organize this book and the exhibition that accompanies it. The project continues the authors' ongoing efforts to explore and display the Museum's grand historical collection of costumes. Their purpose is to use that goldmine of material to define the resonances of the past that reside in contemporary design and to discover and convey the relationships that occur between historical and contemporary cultural issues through fashion. Orientalism: Visions of the East in Wes...

Meaning and Method : The Cultural Approach to Sociology (9781594515705)

Culture is increasingly important to American social science, but in what way? This book addresses the core issues of the sociology of culture-questions about the social role of meaning, along with those about the methods sociologists use to study culture and society-in a manner that makes clear their relevance to sociology as a whole. Part I consists of essays by leading cultural sociologists on how the turn to culture has changed the sociological study of organizations, economic action, and television, and concludes with Georgina Born's methodological statement on the sociology of art and cultural production. Part II contains a highly original, and at times heated, debate between Richard Biernacki and John H. Evans on the appropriateness of abstract and quantifiable coding schemes for the sociological study of culture. Ranging from the philosophy of science to the concrete, practical problems of interpreting masses of cultural data, the debate raises the controversy over the inte...

Not Now (9781436386326)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Hardback | 348 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 24mm | 662g Publication date ...

Second Spring (9780008469757)

The ultimate positive, practical guide to menopause. 'The 'Artists Way' of menopause' Sophie Fletcher, author of the bestselling Mindful Hypnobirthing, Mindful Mamma and Mindful Menopause It's time to re-frame menopause. Perimenopause can sometimes feel like the rug has been pulled from under our feet and this can leave us feeling disempowered and lost. Second Spring is a new kind of menopause book, bringing the radical notion that with small changes and a clear-eyed look at what's no longer serving you, you can reclaim your vitality and joy in life. Second Spring offers a new vision for menopause, mapping the psychological phases and showing how this period in your life can be a time of personal growth. Like your slightly sweary best friend, Kate Codrington guides you through managing physical challenges with lifestyle changes and understanding what might be causing them. Whether you choose a natural route, HRT or a combination of both, there's a weal...

Math Without Numbers (9780241507575)

'Meet Milo Beckman, the whizz-kid making maths supercool. . . A brilliant book that takes everything we know (and fear) about maths out of the equation - starting with numbers' The Times 'A cheerful, chatty, and charming trip through the world of mathematics. . . Everyone should read this delightful book' Ian Stewart, author of Do Dice Play God? The only numbers in this book are the page numbers. The three main branches of abstract math - topology, analysis, and algebra - turn out to be surprisingly easy to grasp. Or at least, they are when our guide is a math prodigy. With forthright wit and warm charm, Milo Beckman upends the conventional approach to mathematics, inviting us to think creatively about shape and dimension, the infinite and the infinitesimal, symmetries, proofs, and all how all these concepts fit together. Why is there a million dollar prize for counting shapes? Is anything bigger than infinity? And how is the 'truth' of mathematics actually...

The Devil and Philosophy : The Nature of His Game (9780812698541)

In The Devil and Philosophy, 34 philosophers explore questions about one of the most recognizable and influential characters (villains?) of all time. From Roman Polanski's The Ninth Gate to J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion to Bram Stoker's Dracula to Darth Vader to Al Pacino's iconic performance in The Devil's Advocate, this book demonstrates that a little devil goes a long way. From humorous appearances, as in Kevin Smith's film Dogma and Chuck Palahniuk's novels Damned and Doomed, to more villainous appearances, such as Gabriel Byrne's cold outing as Satan in End of Days, The Devil in Philosophy proves that the Devil comes in many forms. Are there any good arguments for the actual existence of the Devil? Does demonic evil thrive in Gotham City? Can humans really be accountable for all evil? Which truths about the Devil are actual facts? Is Milton correct, in that the Devil believes he is doing good? Through the lenses of Jung, Kant, Kundera, ...

47 (0316016357)

A young slave boy is named and numbered 47 on a nineteenth-century Georgia plantation and encounters the brutality and injustice of the system of slavery. 47 meets a strange being named Tall John who appears to be another slave boy - a runaway. But as 47 comes to realise, John is an extraterrestrial visitor who believes that his destiny is intertwined with the young slave's. Tall John is a science fiction creation but he is also a reinterpretation of High John the Conqueror - a character taken from old slave myths about a spirit come from Africa to confound the slave masters and (ultimately) to free all slaves. Product details For ages 12-17 Format ...