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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2022

Books Boxes and Boats : Libros Cajas y Barcos (9780998858104)

Introduction Bay Island Books didn't start out as a Literacy Program. Its sole purpose was to collect 100 books for a small, K-3rd grade school on the Island of Guanaja. Along with Roatan and Utila, they make up the Bay Islands of Honduras. Great ideas, however, can quickly develop lives of their own if you let them. We decided to let it... and the last couple of years have been amazing!! We went on to support all of the schools on Guanaja and help establish Guanaja's first Public Library, but our efforts didn't end there. We quickly branched out to Guanaja's sister Islands of Roatan and Utila. Providing books for schools, libraries, and children's homes has been our focus, but we routinely find new projects to support throughout the Bay Islands. Since May of 2014, we have provided 50,318 books for our Literacy Projects in the Bay Islands. Education is the key to addressing many of the issues that face the Bay Islands and Education begins with Literacy. Books Bo...

Die Gesichter des Ethan Shaw (9783550201349)

„Fabrice Humbert legt eine brillante Reflexion auf unsere Beziehungen zu Fiktionen und Erzählungen vor, die er auf meisterhafte Weise mit einer spannenden Krimihandlung verknüpft." Le Monde Er war sein Retter gewesen, damals, als Adam Vollmann mit seiner Mutter von Washington, D.C. nach Colorado gezogen ist. Ethan Shaw war das Idol jedes Jungen und der Schwarm aller Mädchen auf der Highschool in Drysden und der Einzige, dem sich der jugendliche Adam freundschaftlich zugetan fühlte. Und dieser Ethan Shaw soll zu dem Mann geworden sein, der Adam nun von den Bildschirmen des New Yorker Times Square entgegenstarrt? Zu einem landesweit gesuchten Verbrecher? Adam will es nicht glauben und fährt zurück nach Drysden, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden. Aber was ist die Wahrheit in einer Welt, in der jede/r jederzeit alles sagen kann, in der es um Aufmerksamkeit um jeden Preis geht, um Quoten und Auflagen? Wie ist es möglich, zu der einen wahren Geschichte hinter all den Geschichten vorzudring...

Captain Jeff; Or Frontier Life in Texas with the Texas Rangers (9781596412682)

Some unwritten history and facts in the thrilling experiences of frontier life. The battle and death of Big Foot, the noted Kiowa chief. The mortally wounding and dying confession of "Old Jape." The Comanchie, the most noted and bloodthirsty savages that ever depredated on the frontier of Texas. By one of the Nine, a member of Company "E" Texas Rangers." Product details Format Paperback | 206 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 11mm ...

The Last of the Spirits (9781408851999)

Sam and Lizzie are freezing and hungry on the streets of Victorian London. When Sam asks a wealthy man for some coins, he is rudely turned away. Months of struggle suddenly find their focus, and Sam resolves to kill the man. Huddling in a graveyard for warmth, Sam and Lizzie are horrified to see the earth around one of the tombs begin to shift, shortly followed by the wraithlike figure of a ghostly man. He warns Sam about the future which awaits such a bitter heart, and so begins Sam's journey led by terrifying spirits through the past, present and future, after which Sam must decide whether to take the man, Scrooge's, life or not. A perfectly layered, tense and supremely satisfying twist on one of Dickens' most popular books, cleverly reinvented to entice a younger readership. Product details For ages ...

Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C (9780195676846)

Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C is designed to serve as a textbook for students of undergraduate computer engineering, MCA and BCA for the introductory course on computers and programming. The book begins with an introduction to the number systems, binary arithmetic, logic gates and basic concepts of operating systems. The rest of the book provides an exhaustive coverage of programming in C for the reader to acquire skills of writing programs in C. Some advanced features of C have also been included. The book also includes a comprehensive case study on simulation of OS system calls using C language. Interspersed with numerous solved examples based on daily life, the theory is also well supported by plenty of review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter. Written in a clear and lucid style, the book encourages self-study and motivates the student towards independent problem solving. Product details...

Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century (9789463008976)

This volume explores teacher and librarian partnerships in literacy education, showing that such partnerships are essential to literacy education in 21st century. Teacher and librarian partnerships contribute significantly to the realization of the democratic mandate of the teaching and library profession. Partnerships respond to the educational challenges characterized by an unprecedented pace of knowledge development, digitalization, globalization and extensive transnational migration. The contributors reconceptualize literacy education based on teacher and librarian partnerships. Studies from Sweden, Norway and the U. K. analyze such partnerships as sociocultural and intercultural practices, documenting ways in which teacher and librarian partnerships in literacy education enhance reading literacy, learning, empowerment and social justice. The authors treat literacies as social practices, rather than as an autonomous skill, working with interdisciplinary perspectives that draw on ed...

Oxford English for Careers: Nursing 2: Student's Book (9780194569880)

Nursing 2 teaches pre-work students to communicate accurately, in English, with patients and colleagues. Product details Format Paperback | 136 pages Dimensions 218 x 276 x 8mm | 344g Publication date 22 Jun 200...

Chasing Kate (9781469911052)

Twenty-eight-year-old Kate Denai generally finds living life a challenge to her sanity. She's single, alone in a new city, and facing rock bottom again. And she's not exactly child-friendly, so when she finds a tiny stowaway, five-year-old Sadie Beck, in the back of her Jeep on Halloween night, she's in no mood to play. Then her world gets weird. Against her will, Kate begins to feel a surprising connection with the odd little girl. And when she realizes Sadie may be in real trouble, she vows to protect her at any cost. On their frantic journey across several state lines Kate rips through a complex landscape of moral choices her prior transgressions have left her woefully unprepared to handle. She begins, very seriously, to wonder who's saving whom. When they exhaust all other options, Kate's forced to go to the one place she swore she never would again, and to make the most difficult decision of her life. At once hilarious and heartbreaking, Chasing Kate is a r...

Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents : Daily Practices to Honor Your Emotions and Live with Confidence (9781684039821)

From the author of the self-help hit, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, this essential guide offers daily, practical ways to help you heal the invisible wounds caused by immature parents, nurture self-awareness, trust your emotions, improve relationships, and stop putting others' needs ahead of your own. If you grew up with an emotionally immature, unavailable, or selfish parent, you probably still struggle with anger, sadness, resentment, or shame. As a child, your emotional needs were not met, your feelings were dismissed, and you likely took on adult levels of responsibility in an effort to compensate for your parent's behavior. Somewhere along the way, you lost your sense of self. And without this strong sense of self, you may feel like your own well-being isn't valuable. In this compassionate guide-written just for you, not them-you'll find tips and tools to help you set boundaries with others, honor and validate your emotions, and thrive in the fa...

How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market (9780071426848)

This is the classic introduction to technical analysis, with valuable strategies for all investors and traders. "How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" has shown two generations of investors how to use the tools of technical analysis to better time their buys and sells, and improve their overall trading performance. First published in 1962, it was the first book to provide plain-English explanations of the how and why behind technical analysis, and remains a necessary reference for traders regardless of their skill or experience. This newly reprinted edition features every trading tip, insight, and chart, unchanged and exactly as they appeared in the original.Let it provide you with: guidelines for gaining commonsense insights from complex charts and diagrams; easy-to-understand definitions of charting topics and terminology; and, examples and explanations of timeless configurations, patterns, and formations. "How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" is as...

Fake News Oz. The book. (9781034071006)

Political satire and opinion pieces. A comical look at world leaders and events over the past 18 months. Product details Format Paperback | 192 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 10mm | 263g Publication date 21 Dec 2021 Publisher ...

On the Art of the Kabbalah : (De Arte Cabalistica) (0803289464)

Reuchlin's keen interest in Jewish mysticism resulted in the original publication of this work in 1517. The first part of this dialogue reflects on messianism, the second part on the relation of the Pythagorean system to the Kabbalah, and the third on the "practical Kabbalah." The German humanist Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522) defended the value of Jewish scholarship and literature when it was unwise and unpopular to do so. As G. Lloyd Jones points out, "A marked mistrust of the Jews had developed among Christian scholars during the later Middle Ages. It was claimed that the rabbis had purposely falsified the text of the Old Testament and given erroneous explanations of passages which were capable of a christological interpretation." Christian scholars most certainly did not advocate learning the Hebrew language. Reuchlin was exceptional in pursuing and promoting Hebrew studies, believing that a working knowledge of that language was essential for a true appreciati...

Economics for the IB Diploma Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years) (9781108847063)

Develop the next generation of economic minds with this thought-provoking series for first examinations 2022. Written by a highly experienced author, teacher, former IB Economics Chief Examiner and current senior examiner, the third edition has been fully updated to meet the requirements of the new guide for first examinations in 2022. It is a thought-provoking account of economic theory and policy with numerous real-world applications, encouraging international-mindedness, development of critical and independent thinking, and inquiry-based learning. This all-in-one print and digital coursebook includes a broad variety of features ensuring students will flourish in the subject and apply their skills in a diverse and practical way. Answers to coursebook activities are found in the teacher's resource. Product details Format ...

Tecnicas prohibidas de Persuasion, manipulacion e influencia usando patrones de lenguaje y tecnicas de PNL (2a Edicion) : Como persuadir, influenciar y manipular usando patrones de lenguaje y PNL (9781719587211)

Imagina que cuentas con la capacidad de dirigir o cambiar los pensamientos de las personas... ¿Puedes sentir el poder que esto te daría? ¿Te gustaría tener este poder y lograr todos tus objetivos? SEGUNDA EDICIÓN AMPLIADA Y ACTUALIZADA Si quieres que tus colegas, jefes, pareja, hijos, clientes potenciales o que cualquier persona diga "sí" a lo que quieres, solo te diré tres palabras: ¡Lee este libro! Ya sea que te encuentres conversando con tu pareja, tus amigos, escribiendo un email de trabajo, vendiendo un producto, un servicio, contando una historia o simplemente quieres impresionar, motivar e influir en los demás desde el primer momento, necesitas conocer los métodos que usan los maestros de la persuasión para cambiar los pensamientos de las personas y hacerlos tomar acción. En este libro descubrirás qué hace que las personas se muevan. Encontrarás una colección de las técnicas más persuasivas utilizadas por políticos, anunciantes, escritores de propaganda, y todos quiene...