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How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market (9780071426848)

This is the classic introduction to technical analysis, with valuable strategies for all investors and traders. "How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" has shown two generations of investors how to use the tools of technical analysis to better time their buys and sells, and improve their overall trading performance. First published in 1962, it was the first book to provide plain-English explanations of the how and why behind technical analysis, and remains a necessary reference for traders regardless of their skill or experience. This newly reprinted edition features every trading tip, insight, and chart, unchanged and exactly as they appeared in the original.Let it provide you with: guidelines for gaining commonsense insights from complex charts and diagrams; easy-to-understand definitions of charting topics and terminology; and, examples and explanations of timeless configurations, patterns, and formations. "How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" is as straightforward and easy-to-understand as its title.
It will show you how to use technical indicators to get the best price on all of your buys and sells, and make charting an essential and profitable component of your everyday investing and trading arsenal.Praise for "How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" - 'If you take the greatest hits out of Edwards and Magee's "Technical Analysis of Stock Trends", you're left with the Jiler book. I'd still read both, but start with this one, as you won't get frustrated from the get-go' - "". 'Claiming to be a 'long-term investor,' or a 'buy and holder,' is no excuse for ignorance of how charts can help you in the markets. Charts are not just for traders; any long-term investor can benefit by recognizing the patterns illustrated and explained in this book' - Paul Cherney, Chief Market Analyst, "Standard & Poor's" - from the Foreword.To most investors, technical analysis is little more than incomprehensible smoke and mirrors. What is lost in all of the confusion and misinformation is that, when used correctly, technical analysis and charting can be relatively easy to understand and apply - and have been proven to significantly reduce the risks of investing and trading.
"How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" is all about using charts correctly. Written over 40 years ago by William Jiler, former president of the Commodity Research Bureau, founder of the influential CRB Futures Price Index, and a longtime fixture at "Standard & Poor's" Trendline, this important volume features 17 chapters that cover the basic elements and formations of charts and charting, including: trends, support and resistance; head and shoulders; double tops and bottoms line and saucers formations; V formations; the measured move; the coil continuation patterns; reversal days, gaps, and islands; moving averages; and more.'Fortunately, it's not necessary to be right all of the time to make money in the stock market. It's only necessary to be right more often than you are wrong. How can one find such an edge in the stock market? Certainly, sound, thorough information about a company, its industry and the economy is valuable. But a knowledge of the stock's chart action, and a familiarity with chart patterns, will help the investor decide when to buy and when to sell...' - From Chapter 1.Rare is the book on today's increasingly crowded traders' bookshelf that can be considered a classic.
Rarer still is the book that, over four decades beyond its introduction, is still as fresh and vital as the day it was first printed. "How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market" is just such a book. Reprinted for a new generation of investors and traders, its commonsense guidance and trading wisdom will once again make it essential reading for every serious investor. William L. Jiler is the former president of the Commodity Research Bureau, Inc., which was founded by his brother Milton in 1934, and was the originator of the CRB's Futures Chart Service and Trendline Chart Service. He also developed the CRB Futures Price Index, which instantly became the dominant index of overall price activity in the commodities market and, 45 years after its introduction, remains the integral benchmark for measuring global commodity price movement.

Product details

  • Hardback | 204 pages
  • 158 x 236 x 18mm | 450g
  • McGraw-Hill Professional
  • New York, NY, United States
  • English
  • Facsimile
  • Facsimile edition
  • 65 Illustrations, unspecified
  • 0071426841
  • 9780071426848
  • 68,855

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